I was granted the incredible opportunity to work with GIPHY, one of the leading platforms for animated stickers, to produce a collection in honor of Pride month. As a member of the LGBTQia+ community, I was determined to create a set of stickers that not only celebrated diversity and love but also highlighted the experiences of marginalized groups within the community. With this set of stickers, I wanted to emphasize representation of queer people of colour, and individuals with disabilities. It was essential to me that these stickers would serve as a source of empowerment, visibility, and inclusivity, allowing people from all walks of life to feel seen and celebrated during this special month of pride.

However, Pride month is undoubtedly an important time for the LGBTQia+ community and its allies to come together and celebrate, but I wanted to create something that would extend far beyond those 30 days. These stickers serve as a constant reminder that every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves to feel seen and celebrated every day of the year.

Search @DianeShaher on Instagram or wherever GIPHY is integrated to find these stickers.


Loops | Animation


Stickies | Motion Graphics - Ui - Graphic Design